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X15 Release

We are happy to announce MOR X15 release. Changes are below: Billing/Invoices/Subscriptions Added Discount option for Subscriptions Added an option to add whole Destination...
Mindaugas Kezys
1 min read

FRAUD: False Answer Supervision (FAS)

INTRODUCTION According to the Global Leaders Forum (2018), fraudulent traffic is estimated to cost the international wholesale carrier industry $17 billion annually.  On the...
Mindaugas Kezys
8 min read

Blockchain in the Telecommunications Market

In an ever-increasing world of technological advances, the telecommunications market has been slow to adopt blockchain technology.  Smart contracts based on blockchain platforms have...
Mindaugas Kezys
2 min read

Fraud Statistics

Fraudulent traffic is estimated to cost the international wholesale carrier industry $17 billion annually, but the sources of fraud continue to change. In the...
Mindaugas Kezys
55 sec read

Kolmisoft team returns from ITW 2019, Atlanta

The Kolmisoft team is back from the International Telecoms Week (ITW) in Atlanta, USA. The conference is one of the most important events for...
Mindaugas Kezys
2 min read

Come avviare un business VoIP

Senza un piano adeguato non si può fare alcun progresso. Nel mondo del business, una pianificazione adeguata fa la differenza tra il successo e...
Mindaugas Kezys
15 min read

Cómo Comenzar un Negocio VoIP

No hay progreso sin una planificación adecuada. En el mundo de los negocios, la planificación adecuada suele ser la diferencia entre el éxito y...
Mindaugas Kezys
18 min read

Telecommunication Services Cooperation Agreement

What to include in a service agreement Despite everyone’s best intentions, sometimes in business, it’s difficult for all parties to understand precisely what the...
Mindaugas Kezys
3 min read