Full detailed guide how to install Homer on Centos 8. Homer is very versatile system and can be installed in different configurations. This guide...
Quick update about the work we did in 2020 October. Started using Homer for troubleshooting. More info about Homer: ...
Complete guide on how to install RTPEngine on Centos 7. As the original guide is a little bit outdated, here is the step-by-step complete...
Quick update about our work done in 2020 September. Mobile Number Portability is implemented into M2! Works together with the Proxy server. ...
What is it? Mobile number portability (MNP) is a service that makes it possible for a subscriber to keep his or her mobile phone...
Description Percent-based routing (also called percentage- and probability-based routing) is one way to select the route for the traffic. It is also sometimes called...
Have you ever missed a call from an international number that you didn’t recognize, and been tempted to call back? Don’t. You may become...
Introduction An important task is the timely management of Provider Tariff Plans. While business practices differ somewhat, usually, each Provider will deliver an initial...
In this article, I will show how to use PCAP to solve one particular problem that occurs between the system owner and provider. One...