Advantages of a Status/Uptime page for a VoIP Business

1 min read

VoIP service has been a revolutionary technology in telecom that runs on software. As a VoIP service provider, you would want to create confidence among your prospects and build trust among your customers. One such way is to maintain a status page on your website that offers information about the uptime of your servers.

Previously, only few companies or datacenters used to display their service uptimes. They followed this approach to create confidence on their new technologies.  Few such uptime pages are here –

  1. Stripe status page: The world’s most popular payment gateway displays the status of the uptime for their various methods of integrations. Their status page lists the uptime status of the various servers/applications supporting their integration methods. Eg:
  2. Twilio status page: Twilio is the leading platform for building voice and SMS applications. It displays the status of its APIs, API response time from North America, Europe graphically. This kind of graphs creates confidence when a prospective user needs to evaluate the platform. You may refer to the live page at
  3. Recurly status page: Recurly is a leading platform to manage subscriptions for the users on SaaS platforms. Its status page displays the availability of the Admin portal, APIs and thrid party integrations. You may check the status page at
  4. Shrivoice uptime page: Shrivoice is Finland based VoIP service provider offering VoIP services to businesses. Their client’s spread across the world could monitor the service uptime at

Advantages of maintaining a status page:

  1. A VoIP business runs entirely on software applications maintained on servers at data centers or on cloud. Any VoIP business involves applications such as Asterisk (SIP service), Billing (such as Kolmisoft MOR), User and Admin portals. It is necessary to know how well these applications are accessible to end users.
  2. Status monitoring services help you keep track of the uptime of your services such as APIs, Admin portals, Client portals, SIP servers etc.,.
  3. You will be able to judge the reliability of the datacenters. Thereby decide which datacenter offers you better services.
  4. Your business could act before your clients raise tickets about any incidents or downtime. Thereby you will maintain better reputation. Ultimately growth of a business lies in trust and confidence you build among your prospects and customers
  5. Better business decisions are possible when you know more about your service uptime

How to display a status/uptime page:

Either you may develop your own system to ping or monitor the status of your applications/servers if you have a strong IT team. Otherwise you may utilise services such as –

  1. Statuspage (
  2. Uptimerobot (
  3. Siteuptime (
  4. Uptime (

Do you need any help in setting up Status or Uptime monitors for your business, you may contact SHRISAS.

We have been helping VoIP business around the world with various Web and Mobile applications.

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