Vilius Stanislovaitis Linkedin


12 Stories by Vilius Stanislovaitis

2024 July Update

Quick update about the work we did last month. MOR MOR/M4 M4 Support System Let us remind you that Centos 7 EOL (end-of-life) is...
0 2 min read

Защита от DDOS для владельцев VoIP-бизнеса из Украины

Kolmisoft использует Hetzner для хостинга серверов. Они на сайте пишут, что у них есть защита от DDOS. Однако реальность для владельцев VoIP-бизнеса в Украине...
0 4 sec read

MOR X18 Release

We’re happy to announce the release of MOR X18! Major Implementations Security Enhancements Performance and Usability Boosts Improvements We encourage you to explore the...
0 7 min read

Custom User Interfaces for MOR Softswitch

When it comes to software solutions, user interfaces are often the face of the product. For users, the interface defines their interaction with the...
0 4 min read

3CX removed us from the Supported SIP Trunk Providers page. What to do?

Introduction The purpose of writing this blog post is to throw some light on the impact on your business if you are a Supported...
0 2 min read

A2billing is no longer supported. Is there an alternative?

A2billing is no longer supported. Most people from the VoIP world know A2billing as one of the most popular open-source softswitch. In this article, I’ll...
2 6 min read

MOR integration: Website for prepaid international calls

Previously, we wrote a post explaining that A2Billing is no longer supported. As a result, we received many inquiries from VoIP providers who were...
0 1 min read

Case study: Using Class 5 Softswitch MOR for Interconnection to BT’s Network

Photo by israel palacio on Unsplash Interconnection, in general, is the physical (E1 / T1 lines) or virtual (IP-to-IP) connection between the networks of...
0 2 min read

Priority-Based Routing (Weight-Based Routing)

Description Priority-based routing (also called weight-based routing) is one of the simplest ways to select a route for the traffic. Sometimes it is called...
0 2 min read