Quick update about the work we did last month.
Released functionality in the last month:
[MOR] Reworked Subscriptions system
We have implemented extended functionality to the Subscriptions. Now it can start any day and can be billed at the start of the period, in the end, or on each day. This change looks simple from the gif picture, but underneath is quite complex and allows much more freedom to deal with Subscriptions. We will make additional improvements in this area in the future.

[M4] Invoice Billing Period upgrade
Billing Period dynamic view to show the exact dates for the billing period for easier management.

[M4] Round Call Price in CDR option upgrade
Improved how this setting is handled in the GUI to minimize the misuse of it

[M4] Remote-Party-ID and P-Asserted-Identity rework
Complete rework of how these headers are handled. Now you have (almost) limitless options to manage these headers:

[M4] One (huge) step to the real Geo-Redundancy
We have implemented the ability for the Kamailio to talk directly to the 2 Radius servers in a Main/Backup fashion. E.g. if the main Radius server is down, the calls could be handled by the Backup Radius server in a different data center. This is one of the necessary steps to implement true Geo-Redundancy. We are working on the remaining steps to allow this functionality as seamless as possible.
[M4] Future ongoing work on DIDs, Subscriptions, Flat-Rates
We did a lot of work on the DIDs:

And we are continuing to work on implementing a complete Billing/Trunking solution for Business customers. Basic logic can be seen here:

Apart from that, we improved the Request system UI for better UX, did some changes to the Support System GUI and Ticket management functionality, added some filters for easier data access, improved Device Register status, increased Currency Exchange Rate update speed several times, fixed Alerts RG Dial Peers selection in one edge-case scenario, improved Authentication UI/UX, improved Automatic Tariff Import to properly handle XLSX files with many sheets, fixed Manual Payments to properly use Invoice Settings and other 28 development tickets.
Let us remind you that you can always find what we are working on and what is planned in the Requests section in the support system. Please do like/vote on the requests you would like to see in the future. This helps us to prioritize. More details here: Product Feedback Policy – Kolmisoft Wiki
NOTE: If you want to view the picture in full size, press Right Mouse Button and select ‘Open image in new tab’.
- Cover by Unsplash.